Compact Form is a leading company in the transformation and processing of HPL panels. Born in 1989, it was the first Italian company to supply HPL laminates, to suggest their application in large fields of use and to exploit their versatility. The company turns its attention to builders, planners, architects and designers by offering Compact Exterior, a high quality product enriched with a wide range of colors, decorations and textures constantly updated and renewed.
In over thirty years of activity Compact Form has collaborated with important brands of contemporary design, providing not only layered for architecture, but also panels for the production of furniture and furnishings, and continuously expanding the field of applications.
MilanoRiveste is the Compact Form brand, which aims to energize design and innovation in the use of the Compact Exterior.
A new logo, a new image to offer excellence in the field of HPL laminates and to project into the future of resistant, clean and sustainable architecture.